Yes, another mash-up, but forget the fashion speak, the coat-cardigan hybrid is the perfect Winter warmer. Not too coat-like to wear at home, not too flimsy to wear outside, it’s your must-have this season and will take you through to Spring and beyond.
Just the other day whilst hurriedly getting child and bags into the car I found myself saying aloud ‘What I need is a coat-igan’. Yes, really. I’d grabbed the first thing to hand as I was getting us out of the door to go swimming, which turned out to be the thinnest cardigan on earth and probably not worth wearing at all, but when you’re in and out of the car you don’t want a heavy coat. Us mums need to be manoeuverable, right?! So here’s where the coat-igan comes in…

Clockwise from top left: Model shot,; Stone with wide collar, George @ ASDA; Top pick, Oasis; Navy with collar, Uniqlo; Maternity, Next; Duffle, Clothing @ Tesco; Monochrome printed, New Look; Double breasted, Selected Femme @ Next; Buckle detail, All Saints.
Style tips
- Look for heavier, chunky knits, in a longer length. Choose a collared style for extra cosiness.
- Darker shades and prints are your friends, disguising grubby marks when you’re on the run.
- If you choose a style without fastenings, just add a belt to wrap up warm and hold you in.
I love anything that can pull double-duty on the wardrobe front!