Like it or loathe it, embrace it or ignore it; School Run Style is a thing. I’m not one to go all Judgey McJudgeFace when I’m (late) on the school run and I certainly don’t put posts together because I’m suggesting one must or even has time to put together a top-to-toe styled outfit to drop …
mum style blog
Quick fix under £50 | Ines de la Fressange X Uniqlo blouson
For a Parisian take on the bomber jacket trend, first, opt for cotton with its understated matt finish, rather than a retro nylon. Second, choose navy for extra chic appeal. And third, call it a blouson, not a bomber, bien sûr. Ines navy blouson, £39.90 (sale), Ines de la Fressange for Uniqlo Styling ideas Wear with straight …